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Officials stunned and heartbroken by series of unexplained pet-nappings

MARS – A spate of pet-nappings has shocked high-ranking officials from several galactic factions. Nobody has claimed responsibility or offered any explanation.

The latest victim is the pet poodle of a Starfleet Admiral, adding to the growing list of unfortunate animals taken by unknown individuals or groups. The strange and seemingly random occurrences began three weeks ago when the pet targ of K’roq, head of the House of Konjah, went missing. Initially assumed to be an isolated incident, the case has since developed into a mysterious pattern with no one coming forward to claim responsibility.

“We will find the petaQ who did this, that I can promise you,” growled K’roq. “And if I discover that they have harmed a single hair on the head of ‘oDtu’, they will wish they had never been born.”

In addition to ‘oDtu’ and Elizabeth (Admiral Geraldine Mayes’ poodle), other abducted pets include a sehlat belonging to Dr. T’Fel, Director of the Vulcan Science Academy, and a Drathan puppy lig recently gifted to a Bajoran Vedek in recognition of their work with Cardassian/Bajoran hybrid children suffering from the effects of xenozym-17.

The arbitrary and irregular nature of the pet-nappings has made it difficult for investigators to identify a modus operandi or objective. However, an anonymous officer from Starfleet Intelligence offered reassuring words to those affected: “It’s only a matter of time before the perpetrator or perpetrators make a mistake and leave behind a clue that will help us identify them. Rest assured, we will reunite these pets with their companions.”



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