UFOP’s Amity Outpost to Delta Quadrant: We Come In Peace!
The Federation’s Delta Quadrant debut was a sight to behold, and no doubt about it. The Grand Mezzanine of Amity Outpost – the Federation’s first permanent diplomatic installation in the D.Q. – brimmed with excitement. Kiosks served both regional information and delicacies to those in attendance, who represented a wide range of Federation and Delta Quadrant species and sociopolitical strata without exclusion.
Newly appointed Ambassador to the Quadrant, Rivi Vataix, provided some reassurances to an audience of the Delta, Beta, and Alpha Quadrant species who’ve travelled to Amity Outpost to live, work, study, and trade: “…it is my honor to represent the Federation and bring the hope of peace, friendship, and the opportunity to learn from each other shared by over 180 worlds on the other side of this galaxy.” Welcome news to many of the politically inclined in the sector – but there’s a personal side to this mission, beyond the official story.
For many Starfleet officers and their civilian counterparts, the mission to “seek out new life and new civilizations” is fundamental to their reasons for returning. Since the unexpected visit of the Federation starship, Voyager, a significant amount of galactic interest (both in Federation space and in the D.Q.) has been placed on one simple goal: connecting.
“May this festival mark just the first of many cultural exchanges ahead.”
– Ambassador Rivi Vataix
Speaking about her new assignment in the Delta Quadrant, Junior Secretary, Keehani Ukinix, described the job as “a dream posting,” citing the myriad opportunities to forge stronger bonds with the diverse civilizations that make the D.Q. so exciting to the newcomers.
Some may have taken this excitement a little further than expected. Few anticipated, for example, the appearance of a pedal-powered hover pub (evidently, a birthday surprise for the station’s First Officer, Commander Wil Ukinix – a relative of the Junior Secretary). While some may argue that the display indicates a lack of prudence or seriousness on the Federation’s part, this reporter found the absurdity reassuringly candid – presenting a less-polished first look at the new power. One can only hope that the speeches remain diplomatic while the hearts of the Federation’s staff remain authentic.
What is it we, the people of the Delta Quadrant, have to look forward to from our new neighbours? While some speculate on the possibility of hostile or colonial intentions – concerns best left to the politicians – most of the individuals who work aboard Amity Outpost seem to have one thing in mind – the station’s namesake: “Friendship.”
Even Amity’s tight-lipped Chief of Security, Commander Iovianus, was relieved.
“The Federation and Starfleet both are happy with the warm reception we have received from all of our friends and allies in the Delta Quadrant. Including the people of Briori. The tactical situation is… a carefully monitored situation.”
– Commander Iovianus
So that’s it, then. The Federation, for good or ill, is here to stay and they want to make friends – at least, so long as everyone continues to play nice. The question remains: what happens to those worlds disinterested in making room for new friends – and will the Federation be rigid in their approach to intra-galactic politics or take a page out of the locals’ books? Only time will tell.
For now, this reporter believes we should give them a chance to prove the veracity of their words. To the Federation: a reminder that your actions will speak louder than your words. The people of the Delta Quadrant are prepared to judge for themselves. Shall we be friends, indeed?
Story Courtesy of the Briori Sun