
Darryk Dresa, hero of Cardassian liberation, dead at 67

Darryk Dresa, hero of Cardassian liberation, dead at 67

LAKARIAN CITY, CARDASSIA PRIME — Cardassian military and civilians alike are mourning the loss of Derryk Dresa, who daringly destroyed a weapons facility prior to the Jem’Hadar invasion in 2375. Dresa’s death comes just weeks before the twenty-third anniversary of the destruction of Lakarian City.

Bajoran workers down tools in protest over Tejar case

Bajoran workers down tools in protest over Tejar case

CARDASSIA IV — Thousands of Bajoran construction workers, employed by companies assisting with the rebuilding of the Cardassian Union, have officially begun to strike, protesting the Federation’s decision to not try suspected war criminal Breloc Tejar on Bajor.

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