Vedek Assembly implicated in massacre of Cardassian religious refugees cover-up
ASHALLA, BAJOR – Data uploaded to the public communications network has been disseminated across the planet, prompting a flurry of difficult questions for the leaders of Bajor’s spiritual life.
According to the material contained therein, a resistance cell operating about three decades ago was duped into raiding a supposedly abandoned warehouse in Talmulna, Musilla Province of Bajor. Believing they were assaulting a high-level gathering of Obsidian Order agents, the gang inadvertently slaughtered a number of Cardassian refugees fleeing persecution for their religious beliefs. Documents appear to suggest that these individuals adhered to the Orlian Way, an old religion dating back to Cardassia Prime’s Hebitian Age, and were under the protection of the Vedek Assembly.
However, the most damning claims imply that the Vedek Assembly actively participated in concealing up the massacre and spirited members of Bajor’s resistance cell away from potential Cardassian retaliation. This revelation comes after a series of damaging and extremely contentious releases in recent months, all pointing to war crimes and cooperation committed during the latter years of the Occupation of Bajor. At this point, it is unknown whether this recent discovery is related to prior ones.
Further reports from Talmulna-based sources, two persons, thought to be farmers, have been detained in connection with the downloading of these recent files. When pressed, Talmulna City Chief of Police Dekin Sidath declined to comment, saying, “While it is true that we detained two civilians — a man and a woman — we are not presently providing any information on their identities, ages, or the offences they are accused of. At this time, the City Constabulary has no additional comment.”
If these allegations are proven to be true, it could pose significant challenges for the Vedek Assembly, which has drawn galactic ire for refusing to reach out to followers of the so-called ‘Ohalu sect,’ a group of Bajorans who take a more secular approach to the Prophets and question the divinity of Bajor’s gods.
Trai Sempin, a political pundit on FNS’s Illuminating the City of Light, said late last night, “The Vedek Assembly has had a tough few months, to put it mildly. Despite a rising number of Bajorans clamouring for reconciliation, they refuse to reach out to followers of the Ohalu texts and are now personally embroiled in covering up a crime that might have long-term sociopolitical ramifications for Bajoran-Cardassian relations. People are already starting to regard them as hopelessly out of touch, but this makes them appear to be arbiters of the law, which has a deadly ring to it.”
When questioned about the claims this morning, a spokesperson for the Bajoran administration refused to say if he believed allegations, but did add that “such severe concerns should be examined carefully and at the highest level.”
A spokeswoman for the Assembly was unavailable for comment, citing preparations for the upcoming Ha’mara celebration.
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