Borderland colony commemorates second anniversary
TRINITY SECTOR — The inhabitants of the remote Federation colony Pernipia Gamma IV are celebrating the second anniversary of the planet’s colonization this month.
Pernipia Gamma IV, situated in the blurry border region between Federation and Romulan space, was colonized by a group of 170 human settlers in late 2391. Despite initial setbacks, including a deliberate poisoning of livestock and a power struggle splitting the colony’s duumvirate leadership, the colony has prospered during its two-year infancy and laid the foundations for future growth.
“Pernipia Gamma IV is a planet with limitless potential,” said Mirielle Danvers, the colony’s administrator. “Blessed with significant natural resources, including vast kelbonite deposits and favorable climates, our little colony has all the ingredients to become a major Federation presence in the region someday.”
The colony’s population has grown from its initial 170 settlers to nearly a thousand, grouped in two villages amusingly called Big Town and Little Town. Both settlements have prioritized the development of their infrastructure, and despite its remote location, living standards on the planet are comparable to those on similarly sized Federation colonies elsewhere.
“It’s remarkable what the Pernipia Gamma IV colonists have been able to accomplish in such a short time,” said Alva Regar, Representative for the Office of Colonial Affairs at Starbase 118. “Their commitment to the project has exceeded all expectations, and their progress has allowed us to accelerate our plans for future development on the planet.”
Among the Federation’s long-term plans for Pernipia Gamma IV are a kelbonite mining operation, a Starfleet recruitment center, and a spaceport. In the short term, however, administrator Mirielle Danvers is focused on steady and sustainable growth of the colony’s population.
“Anyone would be envious of what we’ve built here,” said Danvers. “And everyone who is willing to be a part of our future is welcome to settle.”
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