BREAKING: USS Minerva leads Federation forces against hostile Tholian fleet on approach to Astrofori 1
MENTHAR CORRIDOR — Starfleet forces have engaged a massive Tholian fleet headed for the space station Astrofori One.
After the withdrawal of Romulan and Breen forces from Astrofori One, Starfleet and the Kubarey have been left to keep the project operational, with Starfleet providing much of the remaining defensive support for the station. During their patrol, the USS Minerva and USS Stalwart reported that they were engaged in fierce combat with 322 Tholian vessels on an intercept course for Astrofori One.
The crew of the Minerva forwarded a message from the Tholians:
“Federation vessel, this will be your only advisement. Your presence in this sector is a violation of Tholian sovereignty. Furthermore, the Assembly will no longer tolerate the threat to our security from the illegal outpost that you have installed. You have precisely one hour to evacuate from the outpost before its neutralization.”
Contact with both Starfleet vessels was lost shortly afterward.
This is a developing story and more information will be published as soon as it becomes available.