Articles Written By: Anna de Vos

This author has written 13 articles
Starfleet Cargo Fleet celebrates 50th Anniversary with Warp 9 upgrade announcement

Starfleet Cargo Fleet celebrates 50th Anniversary with Warp 9 upgrade announcement

MARS — Fifty years ago, the Starfleet Materiel Supply Command (SMSC) made a bold move to improve the speed and efficiency of trade and cargo shipments by introducing a new generation of freighters. Today, we celebrate the success of these freighters, which have become the backbone of the Federation’s economy, supplying the outermost colonies and facilitating trade between the stars.

Fire on Haldon IV Engulfs Forest

Fire on Haldon IV Engulfs Forest

HALDON IV — A devastating forest fire on the rural world of Haldon IV has destroyed many trees in the Grizon Forest. Police are investigating a potential lead on the possibility of a consciously lit fire.

USS Moniy Finds Ancient Alien Runes On Mars

USS Moniy Finds Ancient Alien Runes On Mars

MARS – Investigators from Starfleet Science division onboard the USS Moniy, led by Commander Andy Dreyfuss, have discovered several undecipherable writings in a cavern near the north pole of Mars.

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