Cultures collide on Vulcan colony as dissident movement takes majority
CEIDH, VULCANIS — The historic Vulcan colony world of Vulcanis, long a depository and breeding ground for Vulcan dissident movements, now appears to have a clear “illogical” majority.
Long simmering ties exploded this week with several incidents after the colony’s latest census was held back so its data could be verified. Reports indicate that this census could show that Vulcans who either wholly or partially reject the teachings of Surak now make up a majority of the colony’s inhabitants. A fight broke out on the floor of the colony’s High Council, and now with numbers on their side, the illogical sects might be looking to take power in proposed democratic reforms, over which the fight allegedly took place.
The High Commission, the ruling body of Vulcanis, has dismissed reports of disorder both political and civil however.
“These reports have been exaggerated by the media,” said High Commissioner Kertek. “An altercation did occur on the floor of the High Council today, but the roots of such a violent outburst are as yet unclear.”
Sehsu, a member of the Vulcanis High Council as well as the so-called “Vulcans Without Logic,” described the fight as “an isolated and unfortunate incident,” but one that could be replicated should reform be stalled.
“I would pray however, that we keep things civil, lest we prove ourselves the very beasts our detractors say we are,” said Sehsu.
A Long Time Coming
Since the inception of the colony in the late 16th century, Vulcanis was used as a site of deportation for those movements that either denied logic altogether or didn’t follow the orthodox teachings of Surak. Once a minority, according to the latest surveys, these Vulcans without logic now make up a majority of the colony’s inhabitants.
After the Vulcan Reformation in the 22nd century and the loosening grip of the High Command, followed by the compulsive toleration that came with Vulcan membership to the Federation, the dissident movements were able to thrive like never before, though they gained few converts. Due to their more productive breeding cycles and their now open living style, these different Vulcan sects were able to increase their population substantially, especially in relation to the orthodox, “logical” majority.
Tensions between both the different illogical factions and the former orthodox majority were always high, but an equilibrium was maintained through the only passive prejudice of the orthodox Vulcans and the propensity many of the different sects have for sticking to themselves. A notable exception are the Followers of T’Vet, a xenophobic (some would argue racist), purist and totally illogical faction, recognizing none of Surak’s teachings and proclaiming them to have no validity. Known for their violent and extreme way of life, the Followers of T’Vet have experienced a population boom on the colony, since their counterparts on Vulcan chose to move to the planet to be among those of their own kind.
Like most Vulcan planets, the planet is a meritocracy that has been in the almost exclusive hands of the Logical, either through alleged bias and prejudice or an unwillingness for many of these different sects to join the greater colonial society. Now that the Logical could be a minority, but in complete control of the government, many are demanding a transition to democracy to prevent minority rule.
Different But By No Means United
It would be easy for outsiders to see two groups—the regular, stoic, cold and distant Vulcans on one side, and an out of control, violent group on the other—but that is a simplistic notion. Unlike their kin, the Vulcans who reject Logic have varied belief systems and some have only minor deviations from the teachings of Surak.
In their own language, these Vulcan factions are grouped together as V’tosh ka’tur though this name is more closely associated with certain sects that attempt to balance logic and emotion, rejecting their mutual exclusivity. Simply put, all V’tosh ka’tur are unorthodox Vulcans, but not all unorthodox Vulcans are V’tosh ka’tur.
Other groups include the aforementioned Followers of T’Vet, an ethnoreligious group that worship the Vulcan Goddess of Destruction and still cling to the old Vulcan ways in their entirety. They practice primitive eugenics and are known to be extremely xenophobic and support ridding Vulcan of all foreign influences in addition to ridding it of Logic. Once a tolerated and somewhat prominent minority on Vulcan, most of the Followers left during the second half of the 23rd century for Vulcanis following prolonged political disagreements.

High Priestess T’Vara of the Varanites, a Vulcan sect devoted to the pursuit of a balance between Logic and emotion through mysticism, telepathic control and other esoteric beliefs.
The Viosh-mur are a sect born of the attempts at Vulcan and Romulan reunification, and have Romulan dissidents and Vulcans living side by side in mixed communities, trying to learn from one another. Their population has swelled since the destruction of Hobus in 2387.
The Ahilansu are a group of Vulcan off-shoots who have been resettled in Federation territory after their discovery in the early 24th century. Where once they used genetic engineering to purge their more extreme and violent emotions, they now seek greater control over their minds and bodies through curious and little understood mental techniques since genetic engineering has been banned.
Most of these groups have lived in isolation from both one another and greater Vulcan society, but now with numbers on their side, some fear what they would do if they exerted such authority.
“For years we’ve had to endure the prejudice of the stoic followers of ‘Logic’ who hide behind pacifism and the Federation to mask their own bias,” said Sevek, an elder of the Followers of T’Vet, regarding the increasing tensions on the colony. “They should hope we do not treat them as badly as they have treated us.”
More Challenges Ahead
The new democratic colonial charter is almost sure to stall in committee, but in light of this eventuality, a mixed group of Vulcans has taken the issue to the Federation Supreme Court, though it will be several months before a decision will be made on whether the case will be heard or not.
In the mean time, there are fears that growing political demonstrations could escalate into riots as political deadlock ensues and the new majority becomes further disgruntled at minority rule. Leaders, politicians, and diplomats are being dispatched from Vulcan to observe the issue and report back to the High Command to try and find a “logical” solution.
Still, some remain hopeful that a peaceful solution can be reached.
“We need not come to blows in the pursuit of balance between Logic and Emotion,” said High Priestess T’Vara of the Varanites. “It is a path that my people have walked for centuries, never easy, but always worthwhile. We hope that we can lend our wisdom to these proceedings and offer our aid in the formation of a more equal planetary government.”
As a debate on minority rights and what demands the Federation should make for democracy among its members begins, the developments on Vulcanis have brought these previously largely unknown Vulcan sects into the spotlight, exposing divisions in Vulcan society where once many only saw one cold, logical race.
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