One year later, Inox remains in chaos
INOX SYSTEM — Despite its promises last year since taking power, the new government on Inox remains unable to provide its citzens with basic needs as it continues to battle competing factions.
Led by Beja Nyuanin, a former professor at Grand Karra University, the revolutionaries took control of the non-aligned world located between Tholian and Federation territory in 2392 following weeks of unrest and demonstrations that eventually grew to an outright rebellion of the local population against the previous notoriously corrupt central government. (See previous Inox coverage.)
Nyuanin himself was killed in the struggle, but his successor Rya Jahnoh continued the campaign to a decisive military victory against the central government. The Inoxan Revolutionary Congress was subsequently established and elections held late last year. However, when Jahnoh was declared the winner to become the new Inoxan Chancellor, rival factions within the rebellion contested the legitimacy of the election and have begun new military campaigns against Jahnoh’s government.
“What we’re seeing is simply the tensions that were always there under the surface,” explained Elise Roberts, a senior foreign affairs analyst at the Citizen’s Post who has been covering the Inoxan revolution since demonstrations first began last year. “Previously united in their cause against the old central government, there’s now no reason for them to cooperate with one another, and unfortunately, that means the bloodshed may continue for some time.”
While Nyuanin was looked at by the population as a global figure whose idealism transcended tribal lines, Chancellor Jahnoh has been unable to recapture that universal admiration for herself. Part of that is likely due to Jahnoh’s previous history as a member of the Inoxan military, which ironically was key to the success of Nyuanin’s revolution.
“There’s no question without her support, they wouldn’t have been able to conduct such an effective campaign,” said Roberts. “But people remember that the only reason the old central government was able to stay in power as long as it did was because of the support of the military. There are some in the populace that feel, perhaps rightly so, that they’ve simply traded one authoritarian government for another.”
Chancellor Jahnoh has indeed kept martial law in effect within most major cities on the planet, citing terrorism concerns, and placed restrictions on free speech for any matters related to “national security.” Last week, a reporter for the Grand Karra Tribune was arrested for “sedition and anti-Inoxan activities.”
Yet the chancellor has other concerns besides bad press. Cities suffer from frequent power outages, with much of the planet’s infrastructure still being rebuilt from the damage of last year’s fighting. Rival factions have begun conducting a guerrilla campaign, bombing power plants, water treatment facilities, and transportation hubs. Sixty-five people were killed last month when a bomb detonated aboard a monorail during the morning rush hour.
The leader of the strongest rival faction, known as Free Inox, is led by one of Jahnoh’s former lieutenants, Tibex Akonan, who like Jahnoh, was a graduate of the Inoxan Military Academy.
“We did not topple one dictator to install another,” declared Akonan in a message to the population shortly after the monorail bombing. “Until the so-called ‘chancellor’ surrenders herself, the revolution to establish Nyuanin’s dream—the Inoxan Dream of peace and prosperity for all—continues.”
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