Academy instructor honored for dedication to teaching at San Francisco
EARTH, SOL SYSTEM – A beautiful banquet was held Friday for Commander Ferirk, who has dedicated the last three decades of his life to teaching diplomatic relations at Starfleet Academy’s main campus in San Francisco.
Ferirk, who served aboard such notable ships as the Endeavour-A, the Braveheart, and the Brixham, stepped back from his duties as Starfleet officer in 2369, to imbibe young minds with the wisdom of his experience and adventures.
“It is only logical that cadets, during their training for a position aboard some of Starfleet’s finest vessels, gain a perspective on the dangers they face in the performance of their duties,” Ferirk commented.
The Academy lauded the Vulcan instructor for his resolution of several conflicts that could have led to either war or serious diplomatic incidents. His unique perspective and insights into the minds of other species have given many around him a tactical advantage when initiating first contacts with new species or resolving feuds between two species.
“Damn things looked like they were going to rip our heads off until he stepped in,” former crewmate Lieutenant B’Jean Tu’tado commented on a particular mission, where they could observe the Vulcan officer in action. “The Captain had to pick his jaw up off the floor when the whole thing was over.”
When asked about his next adventure, Ferirk expressed a desire to return home for a sabbatical, stating that he would like to spend some time with his grandchildren and great grandchildren.
“Though my career with Starfleet is far from concluded, I believe a brief period of reflection is overdue,” he stated.
Not only did Ferirk receive acknowledgement from his fellow instructors at the Academy. The Vulcan instructor also had to accept an abundance of congratulations from his former students, who were also present at the banquet.
If you wish to congratulate the Commander on his illustrious career or simply send a thank you, please direct all communications through his teaching assistant.