Starfleet Mission Updates: Stardate 239811
From the Alpha Isles to the far reaches of the Delta Quadrant, here are the latest updates from the ships of the StarBase 118 fleet.
Crew Of USS Juneau Confront Inner Demons In Perilous Nebula
AAVARO WILDS — During a stake-out mission to capture pirates, the USS Juneau (NX-99801) took cover in the Dirty Elbow nebula, where mind-altering subspace micro-distortions ripped through the ship.
Federation Begins Permanent Presence In The Delta Quadrant
DELTA QUADRANT — A Federation Diplomatic Mission “Amity Outpost” is now established and operational, hailing a return to the Delta Quadrant two decades after Voyager’s arrival home.
USS Thor Welcomes Amity Crew To New Outpost Home
AMITY OUTPOST, DQ — After a month-long journey under quantum slipstream drive, the USS Thor (NCC-82607) offloaded the crew members of Starfleet and the Diplomatic Corps to Amity Outpost.
Explosion Of Genesis Device Destroys Starfleet Vessel
RINASCITA STATION — The detonation of a Genesis Device aboard the USS Resolution (NCC-78145) destroyed the ship, taking the lives of fourteen people, including those of Acting Chief Science Officer Iefyr Farrel and Acting Chief Engineer Chandra Amari.
Chin’toka Seeks Refuge In A Gas Giant Amid Emergency Repairs
JENATRIS CLOUD — After successfully repelling another attack by Valcarian forces, the Par’tha Expanse colonization fleet, led by USS Chin’toka (NCC97187), took refuge inside a gas giant to begin repairs.
Terrorist Faction Seizes Control Of Miranda VII
MIRANDA VII — Officers from Starbase 118 Ops investigate when information shows that a terrorist organisation has taken control of the Miranda VII outpost.
Legendary Repair Station Of Ill Repute Hosts Starfleet For The First Time In Several Years
RAFT-ONE, ALPHA ISLES — After a tense encounter with the Ferengi vessel Fortuna, the USS Arrow (NCC-69829) arrived at Forward Refit Station-1 (aka Raft-ONE) for repairs.
Increase Of Pirate Activity In The Marchlands Raises Concerns For Missing Commodore
STARBASE 104 — Commodore Jalana Rajel, commanding officer of the USS Constitution (NCC-9012-B) has been kidnapped from Starbase 104. Investigations lead to the recent increase of Orion Syndicate pirate activity in the nearby regions.
Attacks And Explosion In New Sabyk Raises Many Questions Amid Mystery Plague
DARIME IV — While a mystery ailment has so far only affected the Pelian population on Darime IV, intruders are making it impossible for the crew of the USS Gorkon (NCC-82293) to give the aid requested by the Pelian authorities.
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