Bake Off 2398: Risian Tarts Prove Popular With Station Residents
STARBASE 118, SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT — The Districts Annual Bake-Off Grand Final went ahead as usual, despite being overshadowed by the Bajoran Gratitude Festival taking place in the nearby Ashalla District.
Several hundred spectators and passersby witnessed the final twelve hopefuls battle it out over their baking trays to claim the prize of being Starbase 118’s Champion Baker 2398.
Ninth time Champion Baker and a finalist once again this year, Kitty Switcher, hopes to one-up the Andorian Roll that helped her storm her way to her last victory in 2396 and reclaim her crown.
“I know I can do it again this year,” Switcher adamantly claimed. “Despite the competition.“
As per the rules, everything used has to be fresh, and nothing replicated. Flour flew, tears flowed and tempers flared as many of the competitors felt the heat through several challenges over the course of an eternal day.
One Andorian male and a Tellarite female almost came to blows over ownership of a bowl of Cardassian figs, leading to both being penalised for the round. One judge took a baking tray to the knee, whilst another found her red dress covered in a gentle dusting of caster sugar.
It would ultimately cost them their chance at making the day’s final four, and security escorted both separately from the pavilion, as the two of them deployed various items such as eggs and spatulas as weapons of mass distraction.
With order restored, the final four battled down to the last buzz of the timer, before a flour-streaked Switcher emerged victorious once again. The crisp flavour of her own twist on the classic Risian Tart ultimately winning over the judges, as the greatest treat of the day.
Asked for her verdict, head judge Mary-Bee Erry announced, “Kitty’s tarts were truly marvellous!”
On5e thing is for certain, it will take far more than a spilt love potion to overshadow the San Francisco Districts love of their annual bake-off.
Will all go to plan in 2399?
The District will just have to wait and see.
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